2020 Presidential Debate: I hate it here…

I recently just finished watching the first”Presidential Debate” for this very important upcoming election. Honestly, I did not have much hope going into it, but I was sure it would at least be interesting. Well, interesting it was. I was embarrassed as a citizen of this country. We have two candidates for PRESIDENT that cannot answer simple questions, let one another speak, and be able to adequately share their plans. What does this say about America? Are these our best candidates, the best we have to offer? I feel like we are simply in an emergency situation where we just need someone who isn’t Donald Trump in the White House. I sat watching concerned for America and its future. Issues of climate change, racism, the current pandemic and more being debated as if it is a topic for discussion rather than how we are going to solve it. I noticed they both are afraid to really speak on issues with fears of losing votes. Why did Joe Biden not apologize for the past work he has done that negatively impacted people of color? Why did Trump still not take responsibility for ANYTHING he did. Why is accountability not something our leaders are capable of? I see YouTubers making more of an effort than this. It is scary to see the country you call home become something you don’t recognize. We definately have had our downfalls but we are a country that was built on a revolution. This nation was founded by radicals – and yet now being radical is an insult. Somehow the idea of acknowledging the systemic racism embedded in America means you hate it, and thinking socialism is good in theory makes you crazy. It really is funny how selective we have become. We see the second amendment and read without context while forgetting the first amendment. We refuse to see the truth of the 13th amendment and the 19th amendment in these current times of mass incarceration and voter suppression. I believe in many things that may deem me a radical, but I embrace it because that is what they called those that actually made a difference.

I pray for the outcome of a just and fair election that is in the best interest for this nation. I pray for the unity of a country divided and the safety of the millions of people that reside within.

Whatever the result, I am hoping for the lesser of two evils and hoping the people can take back America to not how it was, but how it can be.