why i make art

I make art because it is my sense of peace. I paint, draw, write, craft, whatever because in those moments I am thinking of nothing but the beauty of this art.

I struggle with anxiety and depression. Sometimes it gets the better of me, but my art has really helped me cope. When I’m creating I’m not overthinking about everything I’m simply feeling. I’m listening to myself and letting my body tell me what to do.

I tend to figure myself out when I create. I find that I actually really love the color purple and mixing media is like confronting the truth that I’m a mixture of a bunch of things that somehow seem to work together. There are times where I cannot bring myself to pick up a pen, but then there are days where I could work for days straight just letting my mind wonder. I take those thoughts I cannot express and put them to the page.

One of my favorite things is interpreting art. It can be something that seems so simple but you look at it and you feel something and it turns into some symbolism that relates to you. Art can mean anything. Completely subjective. That’s amazing to me. Two people can look at the same picture and create two completely different stories from them.

That’s why I make art because I want people to look at my art and try to figure out what I was feeling only to figure out something about themselves.